Friday, November 13, 2009

UNTITLED....a daughter,a mother, and a granmom

Women in my family are very…..i dunno how to explain it. We’re just too rough on the outside, but inside, I believe that we’re just a fragile human being, any woman would be.

They show their “I dunt care, none of me business” attitudes sometimes. Even worse, they sometimes just raise their voice for no reason, and start to fight with each other because one just doesn’t see the purpose of talking it through. And yes…it’s been happening since God knows when. But if u looked closely, you’ll be surprise at what u discover.

Why am I saying this, well, for 3 days I’ve been going back and forth from me gramps house.

Me mom and gramps hates it when I ulang alik from work. They say membazir, even scolded me for no reason making me feel that “lebih baik aku tak yah balik, lagi senang” sometimes.

But at nite,

me gramps sleeps beside me, pull my blanket to cover me, put my bantal beside me and turn the fan on if she sees me started to move.

Me mom comesin the room, look at me and usap me forehead and talks to me…

And as always, I just pretend to be asleep…because if I dunt, they will stop and just pretend to be sleeping or walkaway.

The picture above is when we were at the park, eating ice cream, together. The worst was we were piss of at each other at the moment. The best is that we can just sit there and wait, together.

Thank you…=)

On the other hand…

Its 11.30pm..u said u’ll be home by 10, no msg nor call. And I’m still waiting…