Thursday, April 28, 2011 look nice

saw your new profile

u look nice

p/s: finally you change your profile pic to a current you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011 who ever's out there

aku cair nengok lelaki pakai baju melayu cekak musang

kacak siot



UNTITLED....once upon a time


Friday, April 22, 2011


i am really surprise at who reads my blog





thank you

for taking the time to just read my nonsense
i appreciate it


you rawks.....

Thursday, April 21, 2011



most definately

*heart just jump with joy*

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

UNTITLED....i dreamt i was a ballerina

i was walking down the alley

i saw 4 men standing outside the entrance
stating that there's a dance competition
and they would like me to join in

they pulled my hand
i walked inside

it was a big hall
there was a big staircase going up towards the next level

in the middle of the staircase
stood a tall, poise, late 40's man
i knew he was the judge
and the 4 men says that i had to impress him

we had to impress him

i told them that i didnt know how to dance
a guy said its ok

'its in your blood...'

i sat down at the end of the staircase
and watched them dance

each of them took their turn

they were doing a contemporary dance

at the end

the same guy took my hand and ask me to dance

i just shake my head
indicating i do not know anything about dancing

he took my hand
pulled me up
lead me to the middle of the dance floor

i stood there looking at them
looking at me

out of no where
i just race myself to the nearest wall
lift my left feet against it
and started my dance piece from there

all i can remember was

the moment
where i was in the middle of the hall
and i started spinning
it grew faster
and faster
i felt it in my toes
my body just felt the rush
i even could hear the loud classical song played in my head
as if the radio was just beside my ear
i felt it
it was just like i'm alive
i can feel the gravity

i was just spinning
and spinning
i didnt want to stop

then suddenly
i felt warm arms around my waist

it was a guy
among the 4
whom slowed me down
and said
'you were wonderful'
'you did well'
and he smiled

i remember how he looked
his eyes
his face
i didnt know this guy
and yet
i know him in my dreams

he just smiled
and i woke up

i woke up in the nick of time
in the nick of time to go to work

this time when i woke up

i could remember the dream
i could remember the tune
i could remember the feeling of spinning
i could remember his face

i just sat there at the end of my bedsheets

just thinking how weird the dream was

as far as weird my dreams could be

this was the weirdest so far

and yet,
it was the most beautiful among all

very weird i must say

*sometimes i dream of black cats, rivers, beach, jungle, houses, alley and many more*

yes, i am weird. my late dad says its a gift. a gift of imagination.
but sometimes i dream of bad things
of zombies and ghost

when i was lil, my late dad used to say it's ok, everything will be alright
this is if i were to wake up form a bad dream
and asking for a hug

i thought that if i grew up
none of these dreams would chase me again

it seems i was wrong

i do get nightmares sometimes

and sometimes
sweet ones too

its 2.21 in the morning.....why am i still up?

*sweet dreams are made of these, who am i to disagree*

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

UNTITLED....something i felt deep inside, still

comsumed with what to transpire

UNTITLED...if i were a singer

most definately i wanna be like lauryn hill, sade, chaka khan, duffy, amy winehouse

and all other soul sister of all

but most definately

i would kill just to be yummy'lious like her

most definately


Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

UNTITLED....close my eyes

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time to waste
Asking why?
I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride
(Asking why?)

I think about your face
And how I fall into your eyes
The out moment I trace around the one that I call mine
Time to count more space
And beware that your drew the line
I don't need you solve this case
And I don't need to look behind

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time to waste
Asking why?
I'll run away with you, By my side
I'll run away with you, By my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride
(Asking why?)

Do I except you change, the past I hold inside?
With all the words I say
Repeating over in my mind
Some things you cant erase
No matter how hard you try
An exit to escape
Is all there is left to find

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time to waste
Asking why?(Asking why)
I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

So I,
Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time to waste
Asking why?
I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go, let go, let go of this pride
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

Thursday, April 14, 2011

UNTITLED....i am just too greatful

as i cry on certain days,
when things doesnt go my way

but lately i have been blessed
with a beautiful family
wonderful friends
a good job

dear God,
I am truly blessed
I am thankful for Your countless gift

to have bread on my table
to have a roof over my head
to have love companions around me

i kept thinking today, as once upon a time i used to sleep inside the car, i had nothing
and now, i believe, i belong to something
and that something is call 'home'

thank you, oh God

for that i am always a devotee to You


UNTITLED....lily's boyfriend

caleb is just too hott


caleb yummy muffin


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UNTITLED...cikgu aisyah

aisyah: kamu pergi makan mana?

weng: nasi campuk *tangan tunjuk depan*

aisyah: nasi campur kat depan

weng: a-ah, kat plaza moint kiala

aisyah: oh, medan selera la tu

weng: bukan lah, food courk

aisyah: itu la medan selera

weng: apa itu medan courk lah

aisyah: ayooooo...itu food court panggil medan selera lah

weng: ya ka?

aisyah: abis, kalau bahasa melayu, food court tu apa

weng: food courk lah. kamu olang melayu selalu cakap itu food courk


weng adalah seorang rakan pejabat saya yang selalu bertutur bahasa kerana dia bilang yang bahasa inggeris dia pun dia selalu bertutur bahasa melayu dengan saya.

Kalau dengar, mmg kelakar...boleh buat gaduh

yang aku pulak...tak abis-abis kena gelak ngan geng pejabat/kawan aku....diorang kata aku nye bahasa dan percakapan kekadang baku. -_-"

nak buat cam mana
dah nasib badan

hohohohoh =D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

UNTITLED....yup, be bold

its not how you carry yourself infront of a person
its how you be true to yourself to the person


Monday, April 11, 2011

UNTITLED....bahan bualan

aku perlu tukar punggunaan perkataan dalam ayat aku


ayat aku: moga dia ingat
ayat kalau tak nak kena bahan: mintak-mitaklah dia ingat


ayat aku: aku suka rekaan terbaru coach
ayat kalau tak nak kena bahan: aku suka design terbaru coach


ayat aku: aku fikir nak gantikan je
ayat kalau tak nak kena bahan: aku ingat nak gantikan je


ayat aku: kacak uu mamat tu
ayat kalau tak nak kena bahan: handsome uu mamat tu

susah betul nak guna bahasa pasar ni -_-"

banyak kali plak tu aku kena bahan

aku ingat ada satu ketika dulu
aku tgh dating ngan sorang mamat ni
masa tu, kitarang tgh makan
aku tegur dia 'b, u got something on your dagu'
dia balas 'whats a dagu?' sambil pegang dahi dia, ingat dagu tu dahi


mmg la aku tak guna bahasa sangat, skang baru nak praktis


UNTITLED....dear mr stalker

i know you'll be reading this,

and yes, there's no turning back

good bye

this is it

adele-rolling in deep

"we could have it all"
i guess

UNTITLED....oh ya, i forgot

i just heard
or actually read it


it hurts doesnt it

what goes around comes around

hell freaking yeah
full of awesomeness

karma rawks


(p/s: ya, aku adalah manusia bangang yg suka bila nengok org lain sedih...tapi kalau org tersebut yg penyebab duka lara satu ketika dulu...aku tak kisah aku dipanggil manusia bangang...sebab serious, guwe puas lo sakit)

UNTITLED....alo, nama saya aisyah

nama saya aisyah

ye ke?


nama saya Siti Aisyah bt. Mohd. Mokhtar

dan saya bangga dengan nama ini


Thursday, April 7, 2011

UNTITLED....bila aku berbicara

nada dering
suatu ketika
akan tetap
seperti biasa

dan sebagainya

ya, saya masih guna perkataan di atas

lepas tu kena gelak besar
macam cipan hal la

aku mmg org klasik
bila berbicara
mungkin tak tahu nak cakap apa


its who i am, not who i wanna be

UNTITLED......updates yaw

1. dengan segala hormatnya diumumkan bahwa saya dah turun 3 kg. skang berat saya 55kg. Yay?

2. Minum kopi kurang, tapi masih minum lagi

3. ya, saya single...ada masalah?

4. jatuh cinta ngan seorang mamat yg mungkin lansung tak terlintas kat hati dia yang aku suka kat dia. sebab gaya aku mmg cam bangang dan suka buat muka bodoh.haih...

5. 2 orang kawan aku nak kawen 1 mei ni. pagi pompuan, malam lelaki. hebat!

6. aku suka tgk gambar zaman aku memuda dulu, membuatkan aku nak bela rambut panjang balik.

7. tgh pikirkan bucket list aku seterusnya. Insyallah bulan June ni tercapai.

8. bontot aku makin besar, sebab tu aku banyak pakai long skirts, jump-suits and seluar kembang.

9. Aku terfikir dah lama aku tak balik kampung. harap aku dapat main hujan lagi

10. skang aku dah tak kisah apa orang nak pikir pasal aku. sebab true frens lies within. love yourself 1st, and the rest will follow.

Ayuh! mari berceria,
jangan senang duka,
hati mesti bersua,
moga riang tiada terluka.

ewahhhhh...spontan babe-_-"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 falling

man it feels awesome

p/s: today was an awesome day


clue: crush

he's my biggest crush

the biggest, so far


i'm freaking happyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, on top of the world

i hope he doesnt read this,
cos if he do,
he knows i'm he's biggest fan

i feel like a high-school kid



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

UNTITLED....masa untuk kurus balik


so damn obvious ke yg aku dah put on weight


i should pipe it down abit

but how can i?

food is like glorioussssssssssss to me


*sings* food,food glorious food

Monday, April 4, 2011

UNTITLED....pity u

aku dah tengok muka awek tu
stakat tu je yg ko mampu
padan la sangat

aku bersyukur i left ur ass back then

good luck
all the best
and God bless

cos u need all the luck in the world
and for her
she need all the luck in the universe

me being cruel?
i jahat?
if to u, yes i'll be the pain in ur ass
and i will rain on your parade
wait till she see's ur true color



Sunday, April 3, 2011

UNTITLED....i've made up my mind

another bucket list will be slash out
aint gonna tell you until i've done it

hehehehe <-ketawa jahat

-90% paddling, 10% ?


11th i comeeeeeeeeee