Friday, October 29, 2010

UNTITLED...dear baby

Dear Baby,

U know i never ask anything from you...

but can i have him as my pet? <--aisyah making puppy eyes

pretty pleaseeeeeeeee


this is Boo



UNTITLED...big bum-bum

remember the little black dress that i mention in the previous blog


i wish its not little, no more


i tried it on yesterday

just to see

as its been inside my closet for 6 month, since i bought it

and my bum-bum cant fit in it, no more





*eats her beef bacon*

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


one down

enternity to go


you just smile didnt you?


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


UNTITLED...jazz jazzy jazz

i can wear my black dress next week


i bought it 6 month ago
but never got the chance to wear it

but now
i do

me gonna meet mr davis
with my baby

for a jazz nite




Monday, October 25, 2010

UNTITLED...a piece of advise 2

to those who wish to be love again

if you have skeletons in the closet
and cant share it with your partner
then she/he is not your better half

if you still have feelings towards your ex
and cant seem to shake it off
then she/he is not your soul mate

if you ask your partner to trust in you
but you still keep things behind her/his back
then she/he is not your wife/husband-to-be

if you tell her/him
that she/he is your everything
but you make plans on your own
then she/he is not the mother/father to your child

if you put her/him alongside your friends
not in your family
then she/him is not your heart

if you tell her/him that sometime
somewhere, you need time just for yourself
and dont want to be bothered
then she/him is not your love

i advise all
to share everything with your better half/love/partner
and when i say everything

it works for me

from day 1,
i wanted to start a relationship with him
i told him the truth
and shared everything with him
no dark secrets

and he love me for who i am

now tell me
isnt that just awesome

I love you baby
as much as you love me too

and word just cant discribe how beautiful you are


UNTITLED...define definition

can you, please define the word love?

please, can u find the definition of the word love?

its the same old thing isnt it?

think again...

if you're inside the car
and a song plays
and all u can think about is him
is that love?

if you're walking down the street
and you notice a thing
which doesnt even related to him
but somehow it remind you of him
is that love?

if you have the courage
to ask the permission of your mother
and your granma
for you and him to have a blessed relationship
is that love?

if you pray to God The Almighty
in each words
Hopes and dreams
to be with him together
is that love?

if long for his voice
to see his face
and look into his eyes
even for a minute
is that love?

if you can find every topic in the world
to talk and gossip with your bestie
but only to be found
that in the end
all you can talk about is him
is that love?

if you try so hard to be a better person
to make him smile
and know that you can make him happy
is that love?

if you suddenly smile
in your mind, your heart, your soul
he makes you giggle, makes you feel happy
is that love?

i've been in love...
several of times...
and each one of them give me the goosebumps

its kinda the same, in a way

all of my ex, they make me happy at certain period of time

its the same old thing isnt it?

think again...

this guy,
my baby,

is different

i dunno how to explain it
but seriously
its different

Fatimah, my bestie, who has been with me throughout 4 of my ex-relationship, notice a difference in me

today she came and visit me
we lepak at the green coffee
me having my coffee, and she's having her frapp

at one moment

i just smiled at her
and she smiled back

in my mind was you
but i didnt say anything to her

and yet, its like she could read my mind

'aisyah, you're different a good way =)'

she said

and i realise it

but i couldnt put it in words

if i can explain how much this guy make me feel
i could have

if i can write what this guy have done to me
i would have

if i can define the word love that i have for him
i should have

no words can discribe this feelings
no songs can define this meanings
no emotions can potray this dealings


and its as simple as


1.tuesday last week- went to paramore concert with my frens

2.wednesday last week- went to watch PLUCK with my baby

3.sunday last week- went window shopping @ mid vall with my bestie
IT WAS FREAKING NICEEEEEEEEE!!!! certain period of day last week- slept like nobody's bussiness

5.saturday nite last week- lepak @ home with my sis didi and my bestie fatimah

6.thursday last week- went to ikea, ikano, the curve


a fren ask me

'aisyah, ur lastest pic babe, dah lame tak nengok ko...'

ermm....famous sgt ke aku smpi org nak tahu perkembangan semasa diriku ini

*masuk dlm guni, campak dlm laut*


i admit
i have put on some weight
erm...55kg and counting and my bottom's....lets just say its expanding every minute

this pic was taken as i was window shopping around to find new flava to my wardrobe
and damnnnn...
me liky the skirt
its topshop btw
and its in my list to buy

hohohohoho <--ketawa jahat tapi comel



Friday, October 22, 2010

UNTITLED...been busy

been busy

i'll update later yo

lurv u guys


last time i came online was sunday
and today is friday

its been awhile huh

got email to

Friday, October 15, 2010

UNTITLED...u readers out there

i am quite surprise who actually reads my blog
i mean, i dont really expect people to read this
but you know
if people, my friends, were to come up to me and told me that they read my blog
i'll be like
'my God, why are u reading it...its nothing, its like, u know, stupid...dont read it'
me: being shy of what i wrote and what i think

but the answer that they would give it that

"u blog it...u post it up...obviously u want people to read...its there for a reason, its for people to read"


kinda true also
i mean,
i post up things, just for the heck of it
for fun

so yeah
i really appreciate it

i mean
it surprises me a lot to know
or accidentally catch my friends who reads it

but yeah
thank you


i guess u'll be reading this also

to who ever is out there....
I LAP YOU (in aisyah's term, she love and appriciate u readers out there)

Thanks =)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010





akan ku salai buat satay


Tuesday, October 12, 2010,myslef and i

1. puasa from coffee sudah masuk hari ke-5 (bagus aisyah,gambate!)
2. is having slight rashes and nose block as the food that i eat is not exactly what i'm suppose to consume (seafood rawks)
3. been listening to the radio, and she realise that sad songs doesnt effects her no more (yay!)
4.lazying enough to go to work due to not enough man power to support her (penat tahap gaban tuuu)
5. been sleeping a lot, no more insomia (wonder why, wink-wink)
6. having regular ribena and hash brown for breakfast (wonders of drive thru)
7. got a paramore concert to go to, a jazz show to attend, and a classical funny trio to watch (1, with my frens, the rest with my baby)
8. gotten her her 5th WHITE colour walking companion (i have a natural obsession with white shoes now)
9. is craving to eat ikea's hazelnut choc (droolsss)

10. tgh rindu tahap dewa langit ke-7 pada her baby (baru satu hari tak jumpa, dah gelabah)

and he just txted me again....just now


Sunday, October 10, 2010

UNTITLED...for those who ask

we have nothing in common
he likes to read, i'll burn books
he likes to clean, i'll toss brooms
he likes to plan, i'll throw the schedule
he likes it simple, i'll make it complicated
he likes to sit and talk, i'll try to run and shout
he likes to be rational, i'll make him go crazy
he likes it sweet things, i'll create a mad stuff

he's cute and cuddly
he's my baby

he's Syed Ibrahimsha,
and again
he's my baby

how i meet him?
dia 'tukang kutip hutang' di tempat keja aku dulu=P

how we hook up?
i ask him out for lunch. but before lunch came, he ask me out for dinner and tea time

how are we doing so far?
words cant describe it, but my smiles give it away

the cat's outta da bag
whats next?

Adventure is out there!!!!!!


Friday, October 8, 2010

UNTITLED...8th Oct 2010

the devil came barging in with madness today
he shouted and scream
as he was defeated with his own deadly sin

'give me back my claim!!!'

'what claim?'

'your claim!!!'

'my breath??....u took it already'

' seems that its now in your possession...give it back!'

'its not with me'

'yes its with you, we had a deal (refer to post 19 sept 2010) give it back!'

'for pete's sake, i dont have it'

*devil looking confuse*

'if its not with you...then where is it?'

*me smiling*

'he took it already...he took my breath away....'

devil : fuck shit =(

me : hell yeah =)

my baby....he's the one who took my breath away

"i'll be captivated
i'll hang from your lips"

"I'll be the greatest fan of your life..."
*plays her guitar*



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

UNTITLED...the person behind the wheel

in my car
i like to sit and think
cause that is the only time i have time for myself

when the driving ends,
the destination is reached,
i got out,
i become a daughter
a sister
a grandchild
a manager
a student
a best gf
a pet sister

and many more

most of my thoughts goes with the memories of the past
the determination of future
the reality of the present

i tend to cry
tend to smile
tend to be grateful
tend to be hateful
tend to be angry

full of emotions
that sits in my heart and head
while driving inside my car

but the routine breaks
as i had now found myself
bursting with giggles
smiling once in a while
thinking of happy thoughts
and nothing more

why is this so?

only God knows what inside my heart

and i believe that my surroundings can see it to


only a blind man cant see that


and now when i get out of that kelisa
i can add the list above

a sayang


Thought of all my love for you
sometimes make me wanna cry
Realize all my blessings
I'm grateful
To have you by my side

p/s: its 2.09am in the morning.....i just realise i left my phone inside the car, i called u at 1.04am just now after finishing work, but i'm sure u are half asleep, beautifully dreaming, and getting the proper rest that u need after a long day today =) sleep tight baby, i'll text u in the morning when i get to the car for college =)

Friday, October 1, 2010

UNTITLED...pesan nenekku, aku berdoa

Aku hendak bercerita sedikit,

Tentang satu pagi dimana aku didalam keta
Menuju ke tmpt keja
Tiba disuatu jalan, tempat yang sama
Dalam keadaan sesak lalu lintas yang lebih kurang sama
Aku teringat akan satu doa yang telah aku ucapkan
Lalu aku menitiskan air mata kesyukuran
Akan rasa yang telah dikurniakan pada waktu itu,
Berbanding dengan perasaan negatif yg ada pada masa doa itu di lafazkan

Aku teramat ingat
Perasaan yang ada semasa aku ucapkan doa tersebut
Rasa kosong, sedih tak terhingga
Akan menyesal keadaan semasa
Dimana aku rasa sunyi,
Tak ada teman disisi,
Untuk bercerita suka duka, lara diri

Pada ketika itu,
Aku teringatkan nenek aku pernah bercerita
Akan dimana dia berniat
Akan dimana dia berdoa
Moga hati dia terbuka, untuk menerima si jejaka
Atuk ku datang, dia terima
Dan walau pada masa itu, neneku sudah dikira lanjut usia
Nenek kata berdoa sahaja
Ditanam dihati, bila disebut , jangan dipersia

Lalu pada masa itu,
Akan rasa sedih yang teramat, tidak terhingga
Dengan penuh kekesalan, penuh kusyuk,
Penuh niat, sepenuh hati
Aku menangis, berdoa kepada Dia
Doa nya berbunyi

“Ya Allah, ya Tuhanku. Tuhanku yg Maha Pengasih, lagi Maha Penyayang. Aku panjatkan doa kepadaMu. Sepenuh hatiku, seikhlas nada sedihku. Aku telah berdosa dengan meletakkan seorang lelaki diatasMu. Dan bila aku berduka, putus, dia tiada, baru ku teringat akanMu, Tuhanku yang Satu. Memang aku tahu aku tidak layak setinggi mana. Aku malu berdoa kepadaMu, waktu susah sedih baru ku teringat akanMu. Tetapi dengan ini aku niat sepenuh hati ku. Aku pohon sepenuh sedih ku. Kalau la benar jodohku diluar sana, ada pun sungguh jodoh suami ku, aku berniat:
Aku tidak kisah asal-usulnya, harta-karunnya, tinggi benar pangkatnya. Aku berniat agar dia baik hati, terima aku seadanya. Ikhlas dia benar mencintai aku, menyanyangi aku dan keluargaku, ingin benar membimbingku ke jalanMu, lalu menjadikan aku isterinya yang satu, ayah yang baik kepada anak-anakku, contoh moyang teladan cantik kepada generasiku.
Diminta moga hatiku terbuka menerima dia. Dan bila aku mendapat dia sebagai suamiku, sesungguhnya, aku benar-benar berniat, bila dia memberi kurumah berteduh, aku ku jaga bersih rumah itu. Bila dia memberiku zuriat yang sihat, akanku didik mereka sebaik-baiknya. Bila dia beri aku cinta, akan ku jaga dia sehingga tamat usia.
Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku. Aku tidak kisah lelaki mana. Asalkan baik hatinya. Dan aku seorang cinta dihatinya”

Ya, itulah dia doa aku
Sungguh aku tak tipu, benar-benar aku berniat
Saat itu, aku memang sedih dan aku beringat
Aku doa sepenuh hati, memang ikhlas, niat buruk tiada
Cuma ingin rasa nikmat bercinta, tapi berlandaskan agama

Minggu yang sama,
Malam Jumaat itu, pergi makan bersama teman lama
Sudah dua tahun kenal, tapi tak pernah nak tahu akan lanjut berita
Pada malam itu juga
Telah aku saksikan
Betapa baik hatinya, ikhlas
Menasihat kawanku, dengan penuh berwibawa
Lalu aku tiba-tiba berkata
Bisik hatiku, mula bercerita
“baiknya dia….memang baik hatinya”

Esok hari ku menghantar adikku ke kolej
Adikku tiba-tiba ingin bertanya
Akan soalan mengenai Adam,
Apa perlu dibuat, kalau hati mahu si dia.

Aku pun bernasihat,
“kalau jumpa lelaki yg baik, tahu dia ikhlas dan indah budi perkertinya…kita Hawa harus terus bertanya, tak payah tunggu si dia. Kita mulakan, dan niat moga menjadi, Insyallah bersama”
Tetiba, ya, wajah si lelaki kawanku menjelma
Sungguhku terkejut, sungguh tidak disangka
Namun ku pendam, tidak mahu fikir apa-apa

Hari berlalu, tapi hatiku masih bertanya
Kalau aku mengajak si dia,
Mahukah dia terima? atau aku mungkin malu tak terhingga?
3 hari berlalu, pada Isnin berikutnya,
Aku pun teragak-agak
Lalu aku hentam terus mengajak
“Sudi tak mahu makan tengahari denganku, atau minum kopi bersamaku pada hujung minggu”
Bayangkan perasaanku,
Aduh malu kejap, takut dia buat tak tahu
Bila dia membalas…
*aku tersenyum*
Itu saja yang mampu ku gambarkan perasaanku
Sedikit ada, memang aku keliru
Akan hati aku pada masa itu
Kami cuma berkawan,
Tapi hati riang, mahu sihat, mahu berkawan

Dan bila satu pagi dimana aku didalam keta
Menuju ke tmpt keja
Tiba disuatu jalan, tempat yang sama
Dalam keadaan sesak lalu lintas yang lebih kurang sama
Aku teringat doa itu yang telah aku ucapkan
Lalu aku menitiskan air mata kesyukuran
Akan rasa yang telah dikurniakan pada waktu itu,
Berbanding dengan perasaan yg ada pada masa doa itu di lafazkan

Percaya atau tidak,
Dia sebenarnya minat juga kepadaku,
Dua tahun yang lalu
Cuma dia takut, dia malu,
Tak berani dekat dengaku
Syukur aku, memang ku bersyukur
Allah telah buka pintu hatiku,
Untuk bertanya, dan sedikit berusaha
Niat ikhlas, doa tak mahu dipersia

=) Dan doa seterusnya adalah untuk sejahtera, kita berdua

Amin dan Syukur…..

Hasil tulisan Siti Aisyah bt. Mohd. Mokhtar, pada 2hb 10 2010, pada pukul 2.40pagi, di fikirannya hanya bersyukur pada Allah, di hatinya hanya cinta pada si dia