A gift, or a curse?
I found a baby squirrel and raise it as my own
A gift, or a curse?
I played with a snake; put my finger in its mouth
A gift, or a curse?
A royal elephant bow two times under my command
A gift, or a curse?
I notice how flower bees have conversation with each other
A gift, or a curse?
I never failed to notice white or black buttery flies flying around my present
A gift, or a curse?
I manage to make homeless dogs to followed me, but I can’t take care of them
A gift, or a curse?
Its evolving….this gift or curse
And the legend continues….
That I can fly off in the air if I wanted to
I can communicate and see what others don’t
That I can help the helpless and giving needs to the need ones
That I have the strength to fight in wars and combats
Many have called me name
Trying to define who am i
Better yet
What am i
They say I was born pure blood
They say that I’m a human child with gifts that man can only dream off
Yeah rite….
Just another walk in the park for me
Its going to be 25 years now
And I am still stuck in the maze of life
Papa, what should I do?
Once u were the guardian
And now
They ask me to take your place
How come?
I’m just a girl..
They tried taking her away
They succeed only half
Now, the others need me,
But me alone, I can’t do it
It’s hard being pure blood
Is it a Gift, or a Curse?
Dan bila mereka di jalan yang lurus
Belajar mengawal, berbicara, mengurus
Maka dengan itu, hadiah itu berkembang
Tapi bila di bentuk, di situ ada simpang
Ke kanan baik, ke kiri buruk
Di pilihnye satu, dahi berkerut
Kamu mahu jadi apa, sang manusia
Penari, Pemusnah, Percaya atau Pencinta?