Friday, January 8, 2010

UNTITLED....white flag has been seen

starts 10.32pm

Dear love,
as in right now
u're on the way back to your hometown
in the bus,either sleeping,
or just listening, or playing games in your ipod
why am i'm writing to you
is because i have a thousands word inside my mind
full of emotions
sentence by sentence
words by words

i went to baby,the cat
i told him
"yes, i miss him"

i went to the fridge and open it
i said this
"I was in heaven,playing with clouds,
and now i'm on earth, and in dirt"

i choose not to cry
i choose not to think
i choose to just let it go

and yet tears runs when i think of u
memories appears when things remind me of u

I miss you
oh so dearly

i miss u
oh so much

words to discribe us
yum yum
wof wof
and many more

things that is about us
top gear
and much more

I have to tell u the truth
I say prayer every day
In the car
In the kitchen
Going to work
Walking down to the parking lot
and all the prayers will sound the same

"Dear God,
The Almighty, and has showned me how,
by taking him away from me,
I humble down to you"

day by day,
I practise patience
day by day
I practise silence

when my work place ask
when my family ask
when my frens ask

"are you with somebody?"
"is there anybody that u serious with?"

I would say
"he's just a fren"
"nobody serious"

but u know the fact
and my true frens would see i'm head over heels for u

I write this down
My pride has fallen now

end 12.05am