Tuesday, February 16, 2010

UNTITLED...16th Feb to the Fab Fam

One fine day...Mr Gorilla XXL a.k.a Mr Gorilla,
was just lepaking around,
layaning his bluess...

"Me wonder whats he doin now....Me misses him.."

"Hey..watcha doin?"-Patrick
"Ohh...its u..nothing, go away!"-Mr G
"I know...u're lookin at them she-fishes down there..naughty you..(grin)"
"No,me not..!!!"

"Hey..watcha all doin?"-Antu
"I was just..."-Mr G
"Mr Gorilla was eyeing on those she-fishes below!"-Pat

"OMG...naughty Mr Gorilla...any cio? huhuu..."-Antu
"yup yup yup..."-Pat
"looky!...there's barbara the blowted fish! feweeettt..!!"-Pat


"omg, patrick! u ok?..."
"i think i am...its actually..quite, tingglishh..huhuhu.."

Whats goin inside Mr Gorilla's head
"Hey wait...he actually looked happy down there.."

"Oh dear Aisyah, the yummy one.. me was thinking...
u know, since Patrick is, kinda, ok down there...
that we should just..."
"NOO....Dunt even think about it.."-Antu

"but look at him...he's doing great..Look!..."-Mr G

"tralalala..this is niceee...me likyyy..."-Pat
"see..he's doin great.."-Mr G
"Mr Gorilla..thats not nicee.."-Antu

"ok finee...shesshhh...
Yo Pat...you hold on there, we gonna pull u out k!"-Mr G
"okie dokie...tralalala...weeee..."

So Antu pull Patrick out of the water...

And the three sat on the bridge together again


"i miss him..."-Antu
"me too..."-mr G
"me three..."-Pat





"well, nenek's garlic ommelete was nice, but nasty on my stomach.."


"me guess he was afraid we duku his head one more time"-Mr G
"yup...i guess so"-Antu

"tralalalla...me likyyy..."


"well, i guess, we have to get goin ya?"-Antu
"yup..."-Mr G

"come..lets go, nenek's making tea..."

"oh no...whats up nowww...?"
"wel...nenek kinda scares me at times..."

"dunt be ridiculous...come!.."

"ok fineeee...i'll drag you..."

Hi Jean...actually, we just wanted to say
very muchhh...."


P/S:sorry it took quite a while for me to finish it up...well, i hope u like it...emmmuuahhhh...have lots of fun k... lurv u and miss u always...